Governing for Performance® framework

We have developed the Governing for Performance® framework to assist boards in their continual improvement given complex and dynamic strategic environments and in light of contemporary societal expectations regarding boards and directors.
Using our Governing for Performance® framework, we provide board and governance advisory and director recruitment services across all market sectors and industries Australia-wide.
Directors Australia's Governing for Performance framework, which outlines the eight dimensions of such: BOARD DIMENSIONS Dimension 1: Purpose, strategy and culture The organisation is clear about its purpose, has well developed strategic and operational plans to drive success and clearly articulates and monitors organisational values and culture. Dimension 2: Governance structure, roles and relationships The organisation's governance framework is fit for purpose and there is clarity as to key governance roles, relationships and authorities. Dimension 3: Board composition, dynamics, performance and development The board is comprised of the right people behaving in the right way to guide and drive strategy and effectively govern the organisation. Dimension 7: Board processes and decision-making The board's meetings result in effective decision making through timely and relevant information sharing and purposeful, honest and challenging discussions. ORGANISATION DIMENSIONS Dimension 4: CEO functions The board has appointed and monitors the performance of a 'fit for purpose' CEO Dimension 5: Operational and financial performance monitoring The board oversees the organisation's financial and non-financial performance in light of strategic performance measures, and drives continuous improvement. Dimension 6: Risk and compliance management monitoring The board sets the organisation's risk appetite and ensures that appropriate risk and compliance management frameworks are in place and being implemented. STAKEHOLDERS DIMENSIONS: Dimension 8: Stakeholder engagement The board seeks to understand key stakeholder issues and engages with stakeholders in a way that informs and supports the delivery of the organisation's purpose and strategy.

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