Who we work with

We work with clients across all market sectors and industries Australia-wide. Across our team, we have a broad range of industry experience that enables us to provide relevant and tailored solutions and advice.

Our client’s brand is important, and at the outset of any assignment we seek to understand their needs as well as both the industry and sector specific nuances in order to meet their desired outcomes.

Market sectors

Directors Australia has a unique blend of both board performance and recruitment experience across a range of industry sectors and market types. Across our team of consultants, we have an applied understanding of the various governance frameworks and standards across different market sectors including:

  • ASX and other listed companies
  • Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) regulated entities
  • Not-for-profit organisations including sporting and membership-based organisations
  • Charities
  • Private companies
  • Public unlisted companies
  • Government-owned corporations and statutory bodies – federal, state and local government
A blonde, female director is sitting in a boardroom and smiles into the camera

Industries that we service


The Arts

Financial services

Education and training

Utilities and transport

Mining and resources

Professional services

Retail and consumer

Property, construction and infrastructure

Government and public services

Health, aged care and community services

Sport, leisure and tourism

Discover more about Directors Australia

See how we bring real governance to great organisations through incredible people.

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