Joanne Peulen | Board and Governance Specialist
BA(Hons), MAppFinInv, AdvDipFinServ, GAICD, JP(Qual)
- 1300 890 267 | 0407 738 466

Key service areas
- - Director remuneration
- - Board oversight of risk
- - Board policy and process reviews
- - Corporate governance structures, policies and procedure advice
- - Company Directors’ Course, Australian Institute of Company Directors
- - Advanced Diploma in Financial Services
- - Master of Applied Finance and Investment
- - Bachelor of Arts – Mathematics (Double) and Mandarin Chinese (Single) (First Class Honours and University Medal)
- - Justice of the Peace (Qual)
- - Australian Institute of Company Directors (Graduate)
About Joanne Peulen
Joanne’s background is in financial and business risk management, where she has held various senior management roles. Her responsibilities have spanned highly technical derivative risk modelling and contract settlements for financial and commodity trading portfolios, through to broader project delivery and sponsorship, regulatory compliance, treasury operations, corporate governance and financial reporting.
Joanne also has non-executive director experience in the government and not-for-profit sectors.
Joanne is an experienced board advisory consultant, applying her practical business experience and insights to assist a wide range of organisations implement value-adding policy, systems and processes. Joanne’s specialty is the development of fit-for-purpose risk and governance systems. She also uses her background in mathematics and statistics to lead Directors Australia’s services in director remuneration advice.